How Not To Apologize (ReRun)
Saying You're Sorry Publicly and Privately
The Unicorns are taking a tiny break but they'll be back at the end of the summer!
In this episode we take a look at how to not apologize (there's so many great examples out there).
Inspired by the lengthy list of public apologies given lately, this week we discuss how NOT to apologize. We began by sharing our reactions to a recent public apology given by a local news anchor (a white female) towards her follow co-host (a black male) to whom she compared to an ape during the filming of the show.
After sharing our thoughts on public apologies, we get down to the root of why we as people are so BAD at apologizing. We take this topic all the way back to childhood (aren’t all problems) where we learn that saying “sorry” is simply a means to an end. As a child we aren’t taught the impact of our negative actions or how to right the situation. So what is the answer? We the Biracial Unicorns might not have the answers but we do have some suggestions. Over the remaining time of our discussion we go over some points/ tips that you might find helpful (next time you have to apologize). Make sure to listen to this episode to find out.
Once we reviewed our “Don’t List”, we get Get Mad At The Internet! This week involves Alaska, a swim meet, and a swim wedgie?? Oh don’t worry, there’s plenty to be mad about indeed.
We end our episode as always with a much need exhale with our Happy Place!!! Hint it’s carbs and podcast related!!
Thanks to Josef Scott of Citizens of Tape City for our theme music and Dollipop Art for our podcast artwork - you can find her on instagram
We want to hear from you! If you have a question you'd like us to answer or a topic you'd like us to cover on the show, drop us a line at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at (505) 585-1808.
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